landscape management

Summer is that special time of year when many people are bitten by the gardening bug. People enjoy spending time outdoors, tinkering around in their front yard or backyard when the weather permits it. But sometimes, it can be hard keeping things fresh and interesting if you’re an amateur or DIY gardener. Here are several fun and easy landscaping ideas for front yards and backyards.

Plant a Variety of Greenery and Flowers

This is a great way to show your creative side and hone your gardening skills. Planting greenery and flowers does take a great deal of preparation and research, though, especially if you’re not sure where to begin. You need to know which plants grow well together, which plants should be kept away from one another, which ones require more shade or sunlight, as well as the amount of water each plant needs. A lot of forethought goes into creating a beautiful outdoor space, which is why a lot of people tend to turn to professional landscape contractors for guidance.

Creative Ways to Cut Your Grass

Your front yard is the epitome of your outdoor space, which is why it deserves a lot of tender love and care. It’s one of the first things people notice when they come over to visit you for the first time and believe it or not, it does inevitably leave a lasting impression. Whether you want your front yard to have a traditional, simple, eccentric, or artistic vibe is completely up to you. Either way, it should aptly reflect your personality and set the tone for the rest of your home. You can use green turf, sod, or even ornamental grasses of different colours to achieve whatever look you’re going for.

Experiment with Pavers and Stones

Pavers and stones are a great way to tap into your more playful and creative side this summer. You can infuse a variety of colours, shapes, and sizes into your décor to create cute little pathways leading to your front porch, front door, side entrances to your home, or even directly to your backyard. A word of caution, though: be mindful of your stone placements and try not to build pathways too close to your valuable plants because they will inevitably be trampled by small children or pets.

Add Aquatic Features

There’s nothing more majestic or soothing than walking through a beautiful front yard that’s adorned with elaborate fountains and miniature fish ponds. Many stores even carry small fountains that can be placed in different areas throughout your yard to create a Zen environment. Passersby will be in awe of your garden and envy your sense of imagination. You might even inspire some of your neighbours to emulate this idea in their own gardens!

Implement Different Textures Throughout Your Landscape

You can add different textures throughout your front yard to make it stand out from the rest of the yards on your street. Use a variety of stones, bricks, plant species, shrubs, trees, and mulches throughout. Don’t be afraid to play around with different colour combinations. See if you can comingle muted soft tones with bold and vibrant colours. Some people have even mixed different species of the same plants just to add different layers to their flowerbeds.

Sometimes, it can be hard coming up with inventive gardening ideas to revitalize your front yard. At Forever Green Lawn & Landscape Inc., we’ve helped countless residential and commercial property owners achieve their vision of an idyllic and awe-inspiring outdoor space. We offer our services all over Toronto and the GTA. To book a complementary consultation with us, please call (905) 454-0875 or e-mail us at

Landscaping Ideas to Enhance the Beauty of Your Front Yard Forever Green Lawn and Landscape Inc 2023-09-08 09:53:34Z Here are a few creative landscaping ideas to help enhance the look of your front yard this summer. Gardening,Landscaping