In Ontario, the right grass mixture makes all the difference when it comes to having and maintaining a beautiful lawn in the summer. Certain types of grass are more heat- and cold-resistant, which is vital for survival in places like Ontario that have fluctuating climates. Proper summer landscape maintenance and care also helps. If you’re installing a new lawn, here are some grass varieties you should consider.
Tall Fescue
Classified as a cool season grass, tall fescue grass is extremely versatile because it can grow under both sunny and shady conditions. Tall fescue is a broad-leaved grass that’s commonly used in commercial environments because it’s extremely low maintenance, it’s compatible with other grass types, and it has a deep root system that can absorb moisture as far as three to six feet underground. This deep root system allows the grass to tolerate long periods of extreme drought and heat and it requires very little watering, which makes it perfect for parks and large fields.
Fine Fescue
As the name suggests, fine fescue grasses have very thin or “fine” blades. Some varieties of fine fescue grasses resemble green needles. Fine fescue is a standard perennial turf grass and is typically added to grass seed mixtures to make them more shade tolerant. Like tall fescue grass, fine fescue has a deep root system so it requires minimal watering and fertilizer. It’s also drought-tolerant due to a far extending root system, which helps it stay green throughout the year.
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is most commonly used for residential properties, golf courses, and large outdoor fields. Its defining characteristics are that it’s disease-resistant and it has a natural deep blue-green hue that makes it stand out from other varieties. There are some downfalls to this grass, however. It requires more maintenance than other grass types and takes approximately 30 days or more to germinate. It also requires a great deal of sun and doesn’t thrive in shade. It has very shallow roots, which means it requires frequent watering. Since it’s more prone to infestations during the hot summer months, you’ll also have to apply pesticides regularly to keep the pests at bay.
Perennial Ryegrass
Due to its quick germination period—seven days—perennial ryegrass is ideal for southern Ontario climates, which can get extremely hot during the summer months. Perennial ryegrass has a dark green colour and is disease-resistant. Since it’s not shade-tolerant, however, it’s more ideal for public spaces like golf courses and fields rather than residential properties. Its high maintenance nature requires the expertise of a professional commercial landscape maintenance company.
Annual Ryegrass
Annual ryegrass also germinates in about seven days, a feature which has earned it the nickname “nurse grass”. Annual ryegrass is considered a go-between because it prevents weeds from growing until other more desirable grasses can germinate. This type of grass doesn’t tolerate cold weather, however and can only survive in the spring and summer months.
Creeping Bentgrass
This is another high-maintenance grass variety that is typically planted on golf courses and sports fields where it can get the proper care it needs. It requires regular watering, lots of sunshine, and it must be cut at least once a week.
FOREVER GREEN LAWN & LANDSCAPE INC. has been providing professional landscape services in Toronto and the GTA for 25 years. As a family-owned and operated landscaping business, we’re proud members of each of the communities we serve and are very familiar with the climates across different parts of Ontario. Book a consultation today.